Iframe-component usage

The Iframe component in Boards on Fire is used to visualize various types of content, such as web pages, Microsoft Power BI reports, or Excel files. By using this component, you create a sort of windowpane where the content from the selected source is displayed. This allows users to interact with the content, meaning they can work directly within the chosen document. The Iframe component helps create a more cohesive and efficient work environment by integrating and centralizing essential tools and data.

The Iframe component functions as a window displaying content from the external source at the location where it is embedded. This means users can not only view the content but also interact with it in real time. For example, you can:

Navigate websites: Browse and interact with websites directly within Boards on Fire.

Analyze data in Power BI reports: Filter and interact with Power BI reports to explore data without opening a new window.

Work with Excel documents: Edit and update Excel files directly in the embedded frame, making it easy to manage data while staying focused on your other workspaces.

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